Machine Learning – Introduction (Week 1)
- An area of Artificial Intelligence- Examples:- Database miningLarge datasets from growth of automation/web. E.g., Web click data, medical records, biology, engineering- Applications can’t program by...
View ArticleLinear Regression With One Variable (Week 1)
Linear Regression with Single Variable (Univariate Linear Regression)In these type of problems, we are given a set of data (training set) and looking at the data, we need to predict future set. For...
View ArticleLinear Algebra – Matrix and Vectors (Week 1)
Matrix– Rectangular array of numbers; represented as M x N (rows and columns); Also, called dimension of matrix.Aij represents i, j entry in the ith. row and jth. column in the matrix.Vector– An N x 1...
View ArticleClassification a.k.a Logistic Regression (Week 3)
- Prediction is a discrete value (0 or 1; negative or positive)- Example:Online transaction (Fraud or not)Tumor (malignant or benign)Email (Spam or not)- Multi-class classification (value more than...
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